The handler puts the compressed version of the symbol into the request, replacing the original symbol. 这个处理程序将该符号的已压缩版本放入请求中,替换原有的符号。
The named system of the original production place of Chinese grape wine comes from the geographic symbol of the place where quality grape wine and grape with specific style are produced. 葡萄酒的原产地域命名是根据某区域内能产出品质优良、独具风格的葡萄和葡萄酒的原产地域地理标志而取名的系统命名法。
A large number of phonograms are made of original Character with sentimental symbol for differentiating original Character's sense and improving distinction of Character's meaning. 大量形声字是在原字上加注意符而形成的,加注意符是为了分化原字的记词职能,提高汉字表义的区别度。
Original meaning of symbol of DAO: When Universe and Human is One, man understands the true essence of the universe. “道”字本义:人在超越私而天人相通、天人合一时,所明白的宇宙真谛。
By taking the numen's religion of Jizhao village in Songtao Autonomous County as example in this article, the author revealed its original symbol and cultural logics from angle of religious anthropology. 本文以松桃苗族自治县鸡爪村苗族寨神为例,试图用宗教人类学的视角来揭示这种信仰的原神象征及其文化逻辑。
The top-level topic stays on the original drawing page with an arrow symbol to indicate that it also appears on another page. 顶级标题保留在原始绘图页上,同时旁边显示一个箭头符号,表示它还会出现在其他页上。
All the designs must guarantee its original in creation, which conform to the rules of symbol register and property transfer. 所有投稿作品必须保证设计作品原创性,符合商标注册及所有权转让的有关规定。
There are biological foundation for some factors, such as human consciousness, idea and formation of appreciation of the beautiful, original image, symbol and activity. 人类的意识和审美观念以及审美活动的前形态原始形象符号活动都有其生物学的根据。
In the proposed algorithm, the original channel estimate of each OFDM symbol is based on the channel estimate of the previous OFDM symbol, thus the variation of the mobile channel is traced efficiently, so the number of pilots in the time domain can be reduced greatly. 每个OFDM符号的初始信道估计值取自上一个OFDM符号的信道估计,从而该算法能有效地跟踪衰落信道的变化,因此导频的数目可以大大降低。
The original color association and symbol of undergraduates are stable, however, the color association and symbol aroused by the main color in websites have richer content than the original ones. 大学生的色彩联想和色彩象征较为稳定,只是由网站的主色调所引发的色彩联想和色彩象征与大学生原有的色彩联想和色彩象征相比在内容上显得更加丰富。
As to the debate, this essay asserts that original account books are the main symbol for the accounting origin. 本文针对争论焦点,认为:原始账簿是会计产生的主要标志。
Post industrialization country tourism is a new-type of tourist product, which takes "original juice with original taste" as symbol and is based on countryside surroundings. 后工业化的乡村旅游是在乡村环境基础之上,以原汁原味为表象符号,现代生活为本质的新型旅游产品。
Then, the algorithm exploits the structure of space-time block coding in combination with the finite alphabet property of transmitted symbols to estimate the original symbol sequences for all active users. 进而,利用空时分组码的正交结构以及发射符号的有限码集特性给出了所有活动用户原始符号序列的闭式估计。
Replace the "n and n ′" in the original formula by defining the symbol" n_i and n_0", a set of object-image formulas which are suitable for incidence from the left and right sides are deduced. 通过定义折射率符号ni和n0,用其取代原公式中的n和n′,推导出在同一符号法则下同时适用于光线自左入射和自右入射两种情况的球面成像公式。
However, new rated smoke card has not yet become effective, and original rated smoke card, of which symbol of smoke intensity value stipulated to be R b is still used, a definite error is therefore caused in smoke measurement. 但由于尚未发布实施新的标准烟度卡,而仍然使用旧的标准烟度卡(烟度值为Rb),因此给烟度测量造成了一定的误差。
Because the data flow rate into the 1/ N of original, which expanded the original symbol period N times, each OFDM symbol duration much longer than the single-carrier, and it is far greater than the channel maximum delay spread. 因为数据流的速率变为原来的1/N,即符号周期扩大为原来的N倍,每个OFDM符号持续时间比单载波长很多,远远大于信道的最大延迟扩展。
In this paper, we first calculate the width of barcode unit, and then use it to detect all of the start point and end point from the original barcode image, Thereby positioning the symbol character of barcode image. 本文首先计算条码单位模块的宽度,并以它为基础在原始的条码图像中找出条码中所有的条起始点和空起始点,从而定位出条码图像所有的符号字符。
Chinese characters evolved from the original hieroglyphic ideographs, which individual is a complete symbol with sound and meaning, it is the perfect expression of thousands of years of ancient and modern Chinese. 汉字是由原始象形文字发展而来的表意文字,它的每一个个体都是一个完整的符号,有音有义,几千年来完美地表达着古今汉语。
Based on the study of the original Baudrillard after theoretical generalization main will symbol consumption in three aspects of content. 本文在研读了鲍德里亚的原著之后主要将符号消费理论概括为三个方面的内容。
From the original source of beginning to search for the clues of the developing of bird symbol painting, we can define it in the period of pre-Qin WU XI. 从源流开始的地方寻究鸟符号绘画演变的线索,将其限定在先秦巫觋时期。
The original meaning of brand is only the business symbol for people to recognize the commodity supplier in busting and complex market; it only has meaning in semiotics. 商标最原始的意义便只是一种可供人们在纷繁复杂的市场活动中能够识别商品提供者的商业符号,其仅仅具有存在于符号学上的意义。
Popular language of network gets rid of original meaning and combines some social events, resulting in new meaning from the symbol transmission process. 网络流行语在其符号传播过程中,与某些特定社会事件相联系,往往会脱离其原有的意义,产生新的所指。
The simplest video transcoding solution for the whole program is the entire video codec algorithm, that is, decode the original video symbol stream first, then encode the goal video. 最简单的视频转码方案为全解全编视频转码算法,即先解码原视频码流,再编码目标视频码流。
Visible reversible watermarking scheme embeds a video watermark in original image as an copyright symbol, and this symbol can be removed to restore the original image. 可视可逆水印算法在原始图像上嵌入一个可视水印作为版权标志。此标志可以被去除从而恢复原始图像。
Among them, the shape process of the artistic image is guided by the original outlook of the preman ( mainly the witchcraft), it is the process of self-selection and the symbol usage, the prehistoric art is the media for achieving the intention. 其中,艺术形象的塑造过程是史前人在原始世界观(主要是巫术思维)引导下,自主选择和运用符号的过程,史前艺术作品最初是实现目的的媒介。